What to expect
After your initial session you will leave with a more knowledge about your body, including your fascial web and how it impacts your symptoms. After a throughout assessment you will leave with a treatment plan going forward as well as 1-2 take home strategies you can start applying to help you meet your goals.
My unique approach to addressing myofascial, pelvic floor dysfunction and the body as a whole has been proven to provide effective results in clients reaching their goals.
My approach consists of
Body Literacy Education
Hands on Treatment
Functional movement
Home exercise and self treatment program
Each session will vary on the time spent on each these areas, with body literacy education being a foundational building block to the program. Having a deeper understanding of your symptoms and how it relates to fascia and pelvic floor function will empower you to be in control of your healing process.
Hands on treatment will help you with developing a deeper body awareness as well an increased awareness of what it feels like for the pelvic floor system to move freely. Somatic movement and Myofascial release (MFR) are a big component of my treatment.
Somatic movement are sequences of movements that allow one to release tension and holding patterns within their body.
MFR addresses the system as a whole through the fascial system (think of the soft connective tissue that runs throughout the body, connecting everything together). When restricted, the fascial system can place tremendous pressure on pain sensitive structures, including the pelvic floor and its organs. By releasing fascial restrictions many people report that their symptoms are decreased or eliminated. The body will then be in a more ideal state to efficiently move and strengthen.
Through somatic movement and MFR we will increase your awareness of where your individual restrictions are and how fascia effects your body as a whole. You will also develop your sense of how fascial restrictions connect to other parts of the body as well as what if feels like for these restrictions to be released.
Functional movement will help you identify your movement patterns and establish which ones help your body functional optimally. Identifying your "blind spots" or patterns that lead to pain and dysfunction can help to restore healthy movement patterns that you can apply in your day to day life. For example, do you hold your breath when you go to stand? Do you engage your core when you lift? Do you clench your jaw when concentrating or stressed? How you move your body when you are off of the table is an essential part of making long lasting changes. We will go over strategies that you can easily apply to your day to day activities, particularly the activities that might have been challenging due to your symptoms.
Exercises and home program that builds strength, flexibility and endurance for the core and associated areas will help you feel stronger and better while getting through your day. You will gain the confidence and independence in the activities you love and that were once disrupted by fascial and or pelvic floor pain and dysfunction.
Read more about what to expect during a Pelvic Floor Therapy session